IgorWare News Archive 2012
IgorWare Hasher 1.5.0
November 26, 2012File Joiner 2.1.0
August 21, 2012
Latest translation added to File Joiner (2.1.0) is Spanish translation by Darío Herenú. Thanks Dario for this translation, Spanish is among more popular languages so I'm sure it will be used by a lot of users.
One more change in this release is improved...
File Joiner 2.0.9
August 16, 2012Released 64bit Checker 1.2
August 15, 2012File Joiner 2.0.8
August 7, 2012NoFollow 2.3.0 for Safari
April 20, 2012
NoFollow 2.3.0 is now available for Safari. Extension behavior is almost identical to the NoFollow extension for Opera.
File Joiner 2.0.7
March 16, 2012File Joiner 2.0.6
February 29, 2012File Joiner 2.0.5
February 27, 2012IgorWare Hasher 1.4.4
February 22, 2012
Fixed: while searching for verification hash in multihash file, if the first file wasn't a match, hasher would immediately set error message in status field, although verification value was still loaded if found later.
Improvement: verification file loader will from now on search for both "filename.sfv" and "filename.ext.sfv" (same goes for *.md5 and *sha verification files)...