64bit Checker Change Log
- new: detect Windows 10 (not complete)
- new: added high DPI awareness
- fix: detection of Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 were broken because of Microsoft's API change
- fix: crash when parsing command-line parameters
- change: commands in uppercase are recognized as well as lowercase (/OS or /os)
- new: /s parametar for silent i.e. doesn't output text to console
- new: returning errorlevel codes to cmd when called with any of three switches: /os, /osbit, and /cpubit
- new: /t switch for close on timeout i.e. /t5 will show 64bit Checker for 5 seconds and turn it off, supports up to 99 seconds timeout
- new: latest version update checker, runs on startup
- new: ability to detect Windows 8.1 (a.k.a. Blue) and Windows Server 2012 R2
- change: Microsoft renamed new version of their Windows server operating system to Windows Server 2012
- new: added ability to detect some new Microsoft operating systems
- change: redesigned report tab
- change: smaller app window
- new: added OS version detection for Windows Home Server, Windows Home Server 2011 and Windows 8 (beta)